Do you like Mugs but not coffee? Well then we might not get along, just kidding. My husband does not drink coffee, and yet we are still married, so I have a solution… Mug cake. I have never made a mug cake so why don't we go on this little journey together?
First let's start off by saying personally I love a big Cappuccino so give me a big mug. And right now I am using the Mid Century Modern 15 oz Mug that I happened to get from the Mug Affair so it makes this post even more personal for me.
I am always searching for fun creative things to do with the kids, especially since it is cold (and a Pandemic) and what could be better than a personalized cake in your own mug? And trust me, we have a lot of mugs in our house, 32 and counting. But mugs are fun, and now they are multifunctional.
I searched online for mug cakes, and then opened my pantry (note to self, I need some more baking supplies). I found something that I could pretty much follow and I got my kids involved. Simply enough to follow, mix your dry ingredients.
¼ cup and 1 ½ tsp flour. 2 tbsp sugar. ¼ tsp baking powder. Dash of salt
Then add your wet ingredients. 2 tbsp melted butter (ok I had to use margarine, I was out of butter). 3 tbsp milk. ½ tsp vanilla extract.
Time to add the sprinkles
Make sure that you stir all along the edges to get all of the flour (I should have followed that step a little better, there was some flour in my cake, I scraped around it, oh well, next time). Then add 1 tsp of sprinkles, (or more), my oldest told me that it needed to be more rainbowy. Microwave for 70-90 seconds, and then let sit in the microwave for 1 minute.
I will be honest, there were mixed reviews. My youngest did not like it, he said it was because I did not use butter (but he ate the whole thing anyway), my oldest said it needed more color, and my husband said it was gooey. Really guys? First time making this, humor me a little.
But I learned something , I like the idea of making quick individual treats in a mug. And since no oven is involved, this is something that I can let my kids do on their own, well maybe. But before I do, I think a quick trip to the store is in order because I am craving chocolate mug cake. So the next time you need an afternoon cup of coffee maybe you might want to try a mug cake to go with it?